Disperazol® features at the 7th AMR Conference in Basel

It is that time of the year again when the attention of the global AMR community shifts to Basel, Switzerland. The BEAM Alliance’s 7th AMR Conference will take place again in Basel on 16 and 17 March 2023. This premier event showcases research and development of novel antimicrobials and diagnostics that are aimed specifically at overcoming AMR infections.

There is an impressive line-up of speakers and presenters at this year’s meeting and we feel honoured to have been included in this group. At Biophys, we have been fortunate to have worked with medicinal chemistry and clinical experts from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark and the Technical University of Denmark in recent years on the development of Disperazol®. This new antimicrobial candidate is an SAR optimised small molecule with a novel mechanism of action that enhances the impact of existing antibiotics against recalcitrant Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in catheter associated urinary tract infections.

Biophys Ltd’s Dr Michael Graz and Professor Mike Givskov from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark will be presenting Disperazol® on 16 March in the start-up pitch session. A big thank you to INCATE for supporting this session and to VOSSIUS, one of the leading IP law firms in Europe, for sponsoring the prize for this pitching session.

We were thrilled too to find out that our poster about Disperazol®’s potential for use against catheter associated urinary tract infections had also been accepted for presentation in the poster session at this conference.

We would be delighted to speak with you at the AMR Conference. Alternately, feel free to take a look at Disperazol’s story to date and contact us with any questions.

